1 out of every 10 Indians suffers from a thyroid disorder, out of which the most affected people are women. Such numbers could seem shocking, but hypothyroidism is one of the most common disorders in India. The prevalence of thyroid disorders has now sparked a much-awaited debate on using food as a treatment for thyroid. So, is it possible? Can food help you manage your thyroid? A simple answer is yes.
However, before going deep into the subject of food and thyroid, let’s discuss a little bit about the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is a small gland responsible for taking iodine from your diet and converting it into hormones that regulate various functions in your body. These hormones are highly essential for controlling your metabolism, and every organ of your body is indirectly dependent on them. Therefore, when the thyroid gland starts malfunctioning and stops producing enough of these hormones, it causes havoc to your physical and mental health.
Now, the question is, how can food help you regulate your thyroid disorder?
When you are suffering from hypothyroidism, there are certain nutrients that your body needs, such as iodine, selenium, vitamin A, antioxidants, fibre, etc. By eating foods rich in these nutrients, you can easily manage your thyroid health, and if you have just started suffering from hypothyroidism, you can even use food to cure it. The main focus of diet, in that case, has to be on strengthening your liver and gut health.
Now, before we start discussing foods that can help you regulate the functioning of your thyroid gland, let us first discuss the foods that you must restrict eating if you have hypothyroidism.
- Do not eat raw cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, radish, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, etc. They contain goitrogens which can disrupt the functioning of your thyroid glands. However, these goitrogens can be destroyed after cooking, and therefore, you may eat these vegetables in moderation, but only when they are well cooked.
- Avoid eating soy and soy products. They contain an isoflavone called genistein which can affect the production of thyroid hormones.
- You should avoid eating raw peanuts as they can also disrupt the functioning of thyroid glands.
- Bananas:
Bananas are your best friends if you have a thyroid disorder. They are rich in iodine, selenium, vitamin A and many other nutrients that can help improve the functioning of your thyroid glands and regulate your hormones. Raw plantain is especially an excellent source of selenium and therefore must be included in your diet if you have thyroid.
- Seeds:
Seeds such as sunflower seeds, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds are rich sources of selenium. Including them in your diet will help you regulate your thyroid hormones and improve your thyroid health.
- Coriander:
Are you wondering what coriander is doing on this list? Coriander or Dhania is one of the most effective natural remedies for regulating the production of thyroid hormones. It contains antioxidants and vitamins that help with the same.
- Blackstrap Molasses:
Blackstrap molasses is again a selenium-rich food and can help you produce thyroid hormones. Therefore, start eating blackstrap molasses often if you suffer from a thyroid disorder.
In this blog, we would also like to discuss the salt that you should eat in hypothyroidism. People have now completely eliminated iodized salt from their diet and started switching to Himalayan salt and Sendha Namak as they are considered healthier options. However, if you suffer from a thyroid disorder, you should not entirely get rid of iodized salt or sea salt as your body needs iodine. You must eat iodized salt in moderation, along with Himalayan salt and Sendha Namak.
- Increase the intake of water by ½ litre. It will help relieve fatigue and boost your metabolism that is affected due to hypothyroidism.
- Begin your mornings with a glass of Dhaniya water. Soak some coriander seeds in water overnight, and in the morning, strain your water and drink it. Let the magic of Dhaniya begin!
- Sit in the sun for at least ½ hour every day. Why? Because sunlight will stimulate your pineal glands which will positively impact your thyroid glands.
- Hypothyroidism also reduces the absorption of calcium in your body. Therefore, you need to be mindful of your calcium consumption and increase it. Makhana, Ragi and White Til are a few of the best sources of calcium.
- Do not over-exercise. Overexercising is one of the leading causes of thyroid disorders.
Follow these diet tips, and gradually you will feel a difference in your overall health. Your hormonal balance will restore, and your metabolism will recuperate. However, remember to not worry! Stress can vastly devastate your thyroid health.